Friday, 18 November 2011

Identity of the Creator

I revel in the idea of 'life not being as it seem's', it means that there is more content below the surface, more to explore and more to enjoy. Henk Van Rensbergen work has inspired me to look around life's chaos and see the beauty of time and what it does to people, architecture and landscapes.  

However, although there is variety in what we see there is always a recurring element which makes these pieces personal to the viewer and an identifier to the creator.  Rensbergen's images are filled with human touches, they are beautiful in texture but gritty and for me hold a sadness to the forgotten souls of these places.  These are my identifiers and I will connect these qualities to Rensbergen's work in the future.

This thought leads me onto the idea of 'motifs', a repetitive mark, element or sound used within a medium to emphasise a meaning or emotion.  The film American Beauty, which I mentioned previously uses motifs in the form of the American Rose or petals to create really beautiful bursts of colour within scenes.  The colour of the rose varies in each scene but the red is the most prevalent.  The meaning of the red rose has been explained in many ways by lots of people who have been touched by this film.  For me it illustrates the idea of beauty and it's meaning to each character. 

For example, Carolyn sees beauty in 'success', please go back to my entry 'This is my Life' for more details on characters.  This is shown in Carolyn's facial expression of longing when looking at the  red 'Real Estate Kings' board outside of the house he has just sold.  Also, during the opening scene of the film Carolyn is pruning a beautifully formed rose grown in her garden while her neighbour Jim, admires her success and asks 'how do you get them to flourish like that?'  Carolyn enjoying the beauty of success goes on to share tips with Jim.

American Beauty - Carolyn admires her roses

The symbol of the rose comes up time and again in lust, beauty or success and will always be an identifier for the film and it's creator.                    

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