Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Too Many Cooks

Our lecture today used to flex and work the creative muscle by hammering the brain with quick fired briefs to stimulating instant response ideas.  To say I had an initial attack of writers block is utter sarcasm!

Accustomed to the home comforts of time accompanied by coffee and a worlds worth of research, has produced a slightly lethargic approach to be my creative process. Although, I do work to the philosophy that good design takes time and sustained effort, this didn't stop me from feeling extremely frustrated with the mini concepts that lay lifeless and dormant in my drawing pad fro most of the lecture.

However, group work really encouraged my thought process to expand and with such speed!  Bouncing ideas off other creatives was super exciting and only helped to fuel my enthusiasm to satisfy at least one brief that day.  Two random briefs with two very different but curious outcomes...

'Bricking It'
The Brief - To produce a new usage for the common house brick.

Brain storming in a group around the subject of the brick created a concept idea very quickly.  Talking about the older models of the personal mobile we remembered that there shape was often referred to as a brick.  We thought it would be fun to flip this idea around and use the brick to protect the smaller refined mobiles from today.  The iBrick was born!

The brick, branded with the Apple icon (of course), would be cut in half and connected by a hinge. When opened there will be a small protective area inside especially for the mobile phone.  It will come in a range of natural terracotta and grey colours with the added option of custom engraving for that special message.

The brick can also be used as a paper weight, door stop or perhaps a defence tool if someone chooses to steal your mobile!

'The Royal Family'
The Brief - To create a gift for the anti-royalist.

The Royal Family draws on so many words and subjects areas however, it was John (the lecturer) that sparked the train of thought which lead to the final concept idea.  The 'Throne' is a word that has multiple meanings for large ornate chairs used by Kings and Queens and on the other end of the scale, slang for the toilet.  From here we thought about possible characterised toilet seats, towels and finally toilet rolls.

Sudoku Novelty Toilet Roll
Image found at : http://www.qfonic.com/gifts-gadgets-perfect-present-novelty-sudoku-toilet-roll-paper-p-2261.html

Using the Sudoku themed toilet roll we decided to produce a quality 7ply roll which would illustrate a member of the Royal family on each sheet.  Decorated with expensive lace and gold leaf this would be a product for the true anti-royalist.      

Sketch of Concept Idea - Royal Family Novelty Toilet Roll with Pen.  

Each roll would include a novelty pen so that the user can draw on the faces if they wish*.  The inner roll would used especially for the Queen's face to emphasise her unwillingness to leave the throne.     

*We would advise use of the novelty pen before use. 

Both concepts moved quickly, it was a really exciting rush of ideas form the group which I felt produced 2 successfully completed outcomes.  For this subject at least 'too many cooks' make a great broth.

At last, I breathe a sigh of relief, it's a growing light at the end of a very long dark tunnel, but nevertheless it's there.  I feel that I am more than capable of producing something creative and challenging for the end of this module.

I would probably insert a smiley face here, but I doubt whether this is very academic.

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